What are the symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis?

The Professional Master’s Degree Human Microbiota of TECH train the medical professional to learn more about the factors that influence the balance and imbalance of the intestinal flora and the application of the proper treatment

The human body is home to many diverse types of microorganisms that constitute an important ecosystem. There are about 100 million bacteria of over 300 species, which carry out distinct functions essential for the organism’s proper functioning and most of them are not pathogenic and are key to the proper absorption of nutrients, in addition to exerting an important defense barrier conferring integrity to the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, the Professional Master’s Degree Human Microbiota from TECH delves in detail into the different diseases that are caused in the intestinal flora.

In this way, an inadequate diet, inflammatory processes, autoimmune diseases with intestinal involvement, an alkaline intestinal pH, stressful situations, and the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can affect the physiological intestinal flora and cause alterations in the intestinal flora, this imbalance has been given the term intestinal dysbiosis and the most common symptoms are:

  • Digestive disorders such as diarrhea, abdominal bloating, chronic constipation, steatorrhea, stomach gas, intestinal malabsorption, diverticulitis, vitamin B12 deficiency, or irritable bowel syndrome.
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